Already registered with another studio?
DO NOT click the 'New registration' button - you are already registered!
You will need to ask your new studio to add you to their client list. When they have done that you can login using either studio's own
login page or you can log in at the generic ClassSwap login page, in which case you will then be asked which studio you want to log in with.
First time registration?
This is only available if your studio name or logo appears at the top of the login page.
Click the 'New registration' button and carefully follow the instructions.
Not receiving emails?
Please click the 'Problems logging in' button for help and advice.
If your studio has already registered you...
and you are logging in for the first time then click the 'Set password here' button then carefully follow instructions.
Trouble logging in with a new password?
It is possible you need to update the stored version of your password in your browser.
After changing a password you should log in just with your email address and manually type in your new password rather than allowing your
browser to insert a previously stored version. Your browser will then ask you if you want to save the updated version.